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"The NYC artist has everything you'd ever want from the loudest music you'll ever hear, but delivered from such an intimate place, you'll pull your ear in closer to find out just what exactly she's lost and loves." - The Deli Magazine

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Live Compilation
July 18 - Arts Society of Kingston, NY
American Town
Move On
I Am
Lover's Fate



Having both performed house concerts and hosted them, Alice won't just show up and play.. she'll guide you every step of the way to help you make your event the best it can be.  Reach out through the contact form if you'd like to host a concert featuring Alice solo, Alice with an ensemble or Alice + some of her talented friends swapping songs, laughs and stories Nashville Style songwriters in the round.. they're a thing and they're pretty cool.

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Writing and recording for a new release.. Stay tuned for that and in the meantime, head on over to Bandcamp and download tracks off American Town, or buy the whole album!  On Bandcamp Fridays artist receive entire proceeds.



American Town received a warm reception from college and community radio. The title track is also being featured on Rarity Radio from June 26th, through July 2nd. 
Tune in to and call your local stations to request a spin!

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Listen for songs off American Town on Discovery and E! networks, PBS' Roadtrip Nation or MTV's Real World.  For licensing requests, send a note via the contact form below.



So happy to announce I am rejoining the ranks of musician volunteers with this incredible organization.  I performed with MOC many years back then had to put a long pause on volunteering (and many other projects) while I dealt with a very Lifey Life!  Finally.. there's room to squeeze this in.  Support them in any way you can.. no other organization like them.

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Alice BrightSky hails from leafy Westchester, just north of NYC, where she works, raises her young family and huddles in quiet corners with her guitar breathing new life into old songs and... old life into new ones.  Her first album, Box of Me, was released in 2013 shortly after the birth of her first son.  Alice performed extensively around the tri-state area following the release and enjoyed a warm reception by local radio and the indie blogosphere.  In 2015 after launching the recording of her sophomore record, all music endeavors came to a screeching halt as the BrightSky family expanded again and being a mother to two little boys left little time for anything else.  Jump to 2019 - Alice reignited her music endeavors, began performing around the Hudson Valley and used the Covid "down time" to finish her second album, American Town.  Listen to tracks off both albums on the Spotify player above or purchase on bandcamp (see link below).

Monitor the Live section to catch her brand of indie-acoustic-folk-rock/pop, oft compared to "A-listers" Ani, Alanis and Aimee, in a town near you sometime.  Check back for new works on the horizon and more artist alliteration... 


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